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Thursday, December 17, 2015

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how to obtain passport in sri lanka?

Issue of Passports
  1. Passport Valid for All Countries
  2. Passport Valid for Specified Countries
  3. Emergency Certificates
  4. NMRP & ICOM (Non- Machine Readable Passports & Identity Certificates issued by Overseas Sri Lankan Missions)
  5. Sri Lankan passports for Minors
  6. Including of minors into parents passports
  7. Sri Lankan Passports for Dual Citizenship holders
Ordinary Passports
Passport Valid for All Countries
What are the documents required to be submitted along with the completed application form ?
  1. Current passport with a photocopy of the Bio data page. (Please see below for details*)
  2. Photo studio acknowledgement
  3. Original Birth Certificate of the applicant with a photocopy.
  4. Original National Identity Card of the applicant with a photocopy
  5. Marriage certificate with a photocopy where it is necessary (To confirm the name after marriage)
  6. A letter, professional certificate or license with a photocopy confirming your profession
*If you already have a valid passport which belongs to M or N series (if the passport number begins with letters M or N) it should be submitted along with the application.
Where can I obtain an Application Form ?
  1. Head office of the Department of Immigration & Emigration, Colombo
  2. Regional Offices at Kandy, Matara and Vavuniya
  3. Divisional Secretariat of your area
  4. Overseas Sri Lankan Missions
  5. Download printable versions of the Application Forms here
Where can I submit my application ?
  1. Head office of the Department of Immigration & Emigration, Colombo
  2. Regional Offices at Kandy, Matara and Vavuniya
  3. Overseas Sri Lankan Missions

What are the delivery times for All-Countries Passport ?
Normal Basis – 10 working days
Urgent Basis – Same day

What are the processing fees for All-Countries Passport ?
Normal Basis -  LKR. 2500.00
Urgent Basis - LKR.7500.00      Otop_1
Diplomatic Passports
These passports are valid for all countries and the validity period is 10 years unless otherwise specified in the passport. This passport is issued to VVIPs, Members of Parliament and Persons Posted to prescribed positions at Sri Lankan Overseas Missions.
"See Circular for the list of eligible person’s"

Where can I obtain an application form ?
  1. Head office of the Department of Immigration & Emigration, Colombo
  2. Download printable versions of the Application Forms here
What are the documents required to be submitted along with the completed application ?
  1. Current passport with a photocopy of the Bio data page. (Please see below for details*)
  2. Photo studio acknowledgement
  3. Original Birth Certificate of the applicant with a photocopy.
  4. Original National Identity Card of the applicant with a photocopy.
  5. Marriage certificate with a photocopy where it is necessary (To confirm the name after marriage)
    • For MPs-A request letter from the Parliament
    • For Foreign Postings- A request letter from the Ministry of External  Affairs
    • Others- A request letter from the Line Ministry
*If you already have a valid passport which belongs to M or N series (if the passport number begins with letters M or N) it should be submitted along with the application.

What is the delivery time for Diplomatic Passports ?
Normal Basis – 10 working days
Urgent Basis – Same day

What are the processing fees for Diplomatic Passports ?
Normal Basis - LKR. 2500.00
Urgent Basis - LKR.7500.00         Otop_1
Official Passports
Who can apply for official passports ?
Where can I obtain an application form ? 
  • Head office of the Department of Immigration & Emigration, Colombo
  • Regional Offices at Kandy, Matara and Vavuniya
  • Download printable versions of the Application Forms here
What are the documents required to be submitted along with the application ? 
  • Current passport with a photocopy of the Bio data page. (Please see below for details*)
  • Photo studio acknowledgement
  • Original Birth Certificate of the applicant with a photocopy.
  • Original National Identity Card of the applicant with a photocopy.
  • Marriage certificate with a photocopy where it is necessary (For getting married name)
  • A request letter from the Head of line ministry, Department or Provincial Council
*If you already have a valid passport which belongs to M or N series (if the passport number begins with letters M or N) it should be submitted along with the application.

Where can I submit my completed application ?
Head office of the Department of Immigration & Emigration, Colombo

What is the delivery time for Official Passports ?
Normal Basis – 10 working days
Urgent Basis – Same day

What are the processing fees for Official Passports ?
Normal Basis: LKR. 2500.00
Urgent Basis: LKR.7500.00        Otop_1
Sri Lankan Passport Valid for Specified Countries
Sri Lankans who wish to travel to Middle East and some South Asian countries may apply for this passport. This has lesser number of visa pages and the processing fee is lower than that of the All-countries  passport.

List  of Specified Countries
India>Nepal>Bangladesh>Pakistan>Republic of Maldives> Iran> Iraq>Lebanon>Syria>Jordan>Saudi Arabia>United Arab Emirates>Sultanate of Oman>Kuwait>Qatar>Bahrain>Yemen

What are the documents required to be submitted along with the completed application ?
  • Current passport with a photocopy of the Bio data page. (Please see below for details*)
  • Photo studio acknowledgement
  • Original Birth Certificate of the applicant with a photocopy.
  • Original National Identity Card of the applicant with a photocopy
  • Marriage certificate with a photocopy where it is necessary (To confirm the name after marriage)
  • A letter, professional certificate or license with a photocopy confirming your profession
*If you already have a valid passport which belongs to M or N (if the passport number begins with letters M or N) it should be submitted along with the application.

Where can I obtain an application form?
Where can I submit my completed application ?
  • Head office of the Department of Immigration & Emigration, Colombo
  • Regional Offices at Kandy, Matara and Vavuniya
  • Overseas Sri Lankan Missions
What is the delivery time for Specified-Countries Passports ?Normal Basis – 10 working days
Urgent Basis – same day

What are the processing fees for Specified-Countries Passports ?
Normal Basis -  LKR. 1000.00
Urgent Basis - LKR.2500.00          Otop_1

Emergency Certificates (EC)

What is an Emergency Certificate ?
Emergency Certificate is a travel document issued only for Sri Lankan Buddhist Pilgrims visiting India and Nepal. This document is valid only for two years and can be extended up to additional two year period upon request.  For more details please refer to the Passport Renewal Procedure

What are the documents required to be submitted along with the completed application ?
  • Current passport with a photocopy of the Bio data page. (Please see below for details*)
  • Original Birth Certificate of the applicant with a photocopy.
  • Original National Identity Card of the applicant with a photocopy
What shall I do if I do not have my birth certificate or NIC ?
If you do not have a birth certificate or a NIC, you can submit one or more of the following documents –
  • Driving License of the applicant with a photocopy.
  • Elders Identity Certificate of the applicant with a photocopy.
  • Pension Identity card of the applicant with a photocopy.
  • Result of Search Results issued by the Registrar General’s Department and Birth Certificate of a Child of the applicant with a photocopy.
  • Certificate of Probable Age with a photocopy (Issued by Register General’s Department)
*If you already have a valid passport which belongs to M, N or EC series (if the passport number begins with letters M, N or EC) it should be submitted along with the application.

Where can I obtain an Application Form ?
  • Head office of the Department of Immigration & Emigration, Colombo
  • Regional Offices at Kandy, Matara and Vavuniya
  • Divisional Secretariat of your area
  • Download printable versions of the Application Forms here
Where can I submit my completed application ?
  • Head office of the Department of Immigration & Emigration, Colombo
  • Regional Offices at Kandy, Matara and Vavuniya
What is the delivery time for Emergency Certificates ?
Normal Basis – 10 working days
Urgent Basis – not available
What are the processing fees for Emergency Certificates ?
Normal Basis -  LKR. 500.00 (Urgent Basis – Not applicable)         Otop_1

NMRP (Non- Machine Readable Passports) & Temporary Travel Documents

What are these documents ?These are documents issued to Sri Lankans whose passports have been lost, stolen or expired whilst in a foreign country.

Where can I obtain them ?
You can obtain these documents from Overseas Sri Lankan Missions

When can I apply ?
If you intend to come back to Sri Lanka within a short period of time, you may apply for an NMRP or a Temporary Travel Document.

What is the duration of validity period ?

An NMRP or a Temporary Travel Document is valid only for one way travel to Sri Lanka.

Where can I obtain an application form ?

How can I submit the Application ?
You can submit it to the Overseas Sri Lankan Missions

Identification Certificate
What is an Identification Certificate ?
This is a document issued to a foreigner whose passport or travel document has been lost, stolen or expired whilst in Sri Lanka.

How can I obtain an Identification Certificate ?
Call in personally at the Head Office of the Department of Immigration and Emigration.  You will be able to collect the Identification Certificate on the same day at a processing fee of LKR 2500.00.     Otop_1

Sri Lankan passports for Underage (Minor) Applicants/ Adopted Children
Who is a minor ?
Any person below 16 years of age is considered as a minor for this purpose.

How can a minor apply for Sri Lankan passport ?
Either the parents or the legal guardian of the applicant should accompany him/her when the applicant comes to the application accepting office to submit the application. A letter of consent from a parent or the legal guardian should be attached to the application.

What are the documents required to be submitted along with the completed application ?
  • Birth certificate of the applicant with a photocopy.
  • Photo studio acknowledgement
  • Parent’s Passport (with photocopies of data page & child page).
  • If parents do not have passports submit the National Identity Card with an affidavit.
  • Consent Letter of the Parents.
If applying passport for an adopted child, following additional documents are required
  • Certificate of Adoption
  • The court order
  • A letter from the Commissioner of Probation and Child Care
Special Notes  Originals of the documents must be submitted along with photocopies.  The following documents should be submitted under the special circumstances mentioned below.

If the applicant is born outside of Sri Lanka, Consular Birth Certificate and Citizenship Registration Certificate.

If parent(s) of the applicant do not possess a valid Sri Lankan passport, an affidavit confirming that fact and the National Identity Card.

If parent(s) of the applicant are dead, Death Certificate(s), Legal Guardian’s Identification Document, Guardian’s consent letter and a report from Grama Niladhari attested by the Divisional Secretary.

If one or both parents are abroad, the consent letter and the passport copies of parents should be certified by the relevant Sri Lankan Mission.
If both parents are abroad acceptable authorization letter given by the parents to the legal  guardian.

If the parents are divorced, Divorce Certificate and the court order stating the right to the custody of the child/ children.

If  the child has been abandoned by the parents, certified copy of the police report and a confirmation letter from the Grama Niladhari countersigned by the Divisional Secretary.

What are the processing fees for All-Countries Passport (below 16 years of age) ?
Normal Basis -  LKR. 1500.00
Urgent Basis - LKR.3500.00

What are the processing fees for Specified-Countries Passports (below 16 years of age) ?
Normal Basis -  LKR. 1000.00
Urgent Basis - LKR.1500.00         Otop_1

Including a Minor in a Parent’s Passport
Who is a Minor ?
Any person below 16 years of age is considered as a minor for this purpose.
Can children included in parents’ passport?Inclusion of children in parent passportswill not longer be allowed. Children irrespective of age should obtain a separate passports.   Otop_1

Sri Lankan  Passport for a Dual Citizen
An individual who holds citizenship in both Sri Lanka and another country can obtain a Sri Lankan passport by submitting the following documents.
(Download printable versions of the Application Forms here)
  • Completed Application Form
  • Photo studio acknowledgement
  • Dual Citizenship Certificate with a photocopy. (A copy of payment receipt for citizenship Registration may be accepted)
  • Foreign passport with any Sri Lankan passport  if there is (with photocopy of Bio data pages)
  • National Identity Card with a photocopy.
  • Birth Certificate with a photocopy.

How to Obtaining a National Identity Card (NIC) in sri lanka ?

Obtaining a National Identity Card (NIC) for the first time.
  1. Eligibility criteria to apply for an ID for the first time
  • Should be a citizen of Sri Lanka
  • Should be attained 16 years of age
  1. Obtaining an Application
  • From the Grama Niladhari of the applicant’s residential area;
  • From the Estate superintendant (if the applicant resides in an estate);
  • From the School Principal or the “Parivenadhipathi” of the respective Pirivena in the case of school applications
Completed application along with the relevant documents should be handed over to the above respective officers as appropriate.

Necessary documents to be submitted to obtain an ID for the first time:
  1. Duly completed RPD Form 1
  2. Applicants under 50 years of age should compulsorily submit the Birth Certificate (BC) or the Probable Age Certificate issued by the Additional District Registrar in order to obtain an ID card.
  • The Department considers 1st of July of the respective year as the date of birth in respect of the applicants who submit probable age certificates.
  1. Applicants over 50 years of age and do not possess the birth certificate or the probable age certificate, could submit two or more following alternative documents along with the results of search of registers and an Affidavit to confirm the age.
  • School leaving certificate
  • Certificate of Baptism
  • Copies of Birth certificates of children of the applicant, (if the date of birth of the applicant indicated )
  • Extract of the birth certificate of the applicant
  • Citizenship certificate of Sri Lanka (if the date of birth indicated)
  • Estate leaving certificate (if the date of birth indicated)
  • Certified copies of relevant pages of the Passport
  • Registration card issued by the Estate Superintendent
  • Horoscope (if available)
  1. Applicants born in a foreign country should submit the citizenship certificates issued by the Department of Immigration & Emigration of Sri Lanka.
  2. Women applicants, who wish to include husband’s family name in the ID card need to submit the original & a copy of the marriage certificate.
  3. Five colour photographs of the size of 1 ⅜” X ⅞”
  4. Stamp fees
  • Stamps to a value of Rs. 3/= for the applicants under 17 years of age.
  • Stamps to a value of Rs. 13/= for the applicants over 17 years of age.
  1. Applicants, who wish to include their occupation/designation in the ID card, should submit a service certificate obtained during the last three months. Professionals also need to submit documentary evidence, in case if they wish to include their profession in the ID card. (I.e. Engineers, Doctors, Accountants, Lawyers should submit relevant Degree certificates). In case of the Businessmen, they need to submit a certified copy of the Business Registration certificate.
  2. Procedure to confirm the Priest status of applicants-
  • Buddhist cleric should submit the “Certificate of Ordain” or “Upasampada Certificate” issued by the Department of Buddhist Affairs
  • “Dasasil Matha” should submit the registration certificate issued by the Department of Buddhist Affairs
  • Islamic priest should submit the certificate issued by the Department of Islamic Religious Affairs
  • Hindu priest should submit the certificate issued by the Department of Hindu Religious Affairs
  • Catholic priest should submit certificate issued by the head of relevant catholic religious chapters

Organization Information

Department of Registration of Persons
Keppetipola Road,
Colombo 05.

Mr. A.P.G. Roshan Amarasinghe
Fax Nos:+94-11-2593634

Getting an International Drivers License in Colombo

Its a pretty straight forward process getting an international drivers license for Sri Lanka. It will cost you 1000 Sri Lankan RupeesLearn about renting tuk tuk in Sri Lanka here.  In all it took me no more that 30 minutes to get the permit once I’d found the place. Everything I’d read online said that you had to get the permit from the Automobile Association (The AA) in Colombo. This is no longer true.  You now have to go to The Department of Motor Traffic in Werahera. Its on Dept of Motor Traffic Road which is just off Horana road. Be careful as there are two Departments of Motor Traffics in Colombo. 

The address of The Department of Motor Traffic.

The Department of Motor Traffic
Dept of Motor Traffic Rd,
Sri Lanka

What does the permit allow you to drive?

Technically not a tuk tuk. Everyone I spoke to at the Department of Motor Traffic gave me different answers. My UK Driving license permits me to drive a tuk tuk in the UK. However, new laws in Sri Lanka require you to have a 6 months + visa for a tuk tuk license.  It’s a very big grey area and no one really seems to know what’s actually true.  My permit with a standard UK license allowed me to drive the following;
This is what a Sri Lanka driving permit looks like for foreigners. A4 sheet of paper with a photo, a list of vehicles you can drive all printed in black and white.Driving Licence Class
A – Motorcycle Engine capacity > 100 cc
G1 – Two Wheel Tractor with a Trailer
A1 – Motorcycle Engine Capacity <=100cc
B – All Cars/Dual Purpose – GVW <=3500kg. Passengers<=8, Trailer<=250
G1 – Two Wheel Tractor With a Trailer

When I applied I went with two friends. A girl from Holland and a guy Australian. My Dutch friend like me had no problems with getting a permit. Although on her permit she was only allowed to drive cars. The Australian was not allowed a permit as he didn’t have a full license.

How much does it cost to get there?

Tuk tuk – From Colombo Fort Station it should cost around 700 Rupees if you go by the meter.
Bus – If you ask at Colombo Fort Station for either Ahalape junction or Katuwawla Bus stop you will be dropped off no more than a minutes walk away. This should cost you around 30 Rupees.
Train - The closest train station is Rathmalana Station. From Colombo For to Rathmalana Station costs 30 Rupees. From there its about a 300 Rupees tuk tuk ride away.

What you need to take with you?

  • Passport.
  • Photocopies of passport photo page, visa page and driving license.
  • driving license from country of origin.
  • 1000 Sri Lankan Rupees
right next door to The Department of Motor Traffic is a small shop that will do photocopies for 10 rupees per page

Sri lankan driving licence.

what are the Common requirements for sri lankan driving licence?

  1. Applicant should be present in person.
  2. Should bring the national identity card or the valid passport with the national identity card number.
  3. In obtaining the service from offices where online method is available producing photographs is not required and the relevant photographs are taken during the computer process. For offices where offline method is used two passport size  black and white photographs with white background are required.
  4. In obtaining a driving license for the first time, original of the birth certificate should be produced

how to obtaining a new driving license for light vehicles ?

  1. It is possible to register and sit for the written test if 17 years of age has been completed.
  2. In the event of passing the written test, a learners’ permit is issued up to a maximum of 18 months.
  3. Holder of such permit can practice driving.
  4. One should complete 18 years of age to face the practical test and a minimum of 3 months should have passed after obtaining the learners’ permit.
  5. It is compulsory to face the practical test and pass it.
  6. Aptitude Medical Certificate obtained from the National Transport Medical Institution within a period not exceeding 6 months.
how to Extension of the driving license for heavy vehicles ?
  1. Should be a holder of a license for light vehicles (only B and B1 vehicle classes) for a minimum of 2 years prior to the date of application.
  2. To obtain a license for light motor bus and motor lorry category the minimum height should be 4 feet 10 inches. A minimum height of 5 feet is required to obtain a licence for Motor bus and motor lorry category.
  3. It is possible to register and face the written test on completion of 20 years of age.
  4. In the event of passing the written test, a learners’ permit is issued for maximum period up to 18 months.
  5. Holder of such permit can practice driving.
  6. 21 years of age has to be completed to face the practical test and a minimum of 3 months should have passed since obtaining the learners’ permit.
  7. It is compulsory for the applicant to face the practical test and pass it.
  8. Aptitude Medical Certificate obtained from the National Transport Medical Institution within a period not exceeding 6 months.